Let’s Talk about the Tauntaun in the Room.


I haven’t seen Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens. I have no idea when I’m going to see it. I may not even see it in the theater.

Oh, I want to see it. No one needs to force me (see what I did there?), but I have reasons why I it isn’t the top thing on my priority list. Continue reading

100 Word Challenge | It Has All Ended Well After All

100_word_challenge_julias_placeIt has all ended.

Well, after all, that is the point. Nothing lasts forever. If it did, we’d get tired of it. But I never even got the chance to get tired of him.

His chest stopped rising and falling a few minutes ago. I can’t hear anything but my own sobs now.

No more snuggles, no more kisses.

As I lay in the road, motionless by grief if not from the wreck, I hate the idea of living without him.

A car approaches. It doesn’t see me.

But now I see him.

It has all ended well after all.


I’m back.


Well, here I am.

I stepped down from blogging two months ago in order to prepare for and participate in National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. How did I do? I don’t have a novel, but I have a start. So that’s something, right?

The break from blogging was good in other ways too. I was able to spend more time with my wife and kids. I was able to make progress on some home repair projects. And I was able to get some perspective on whether my blog was a worthwhile investment of my writing energy.

On that last point, I found it pretty interesting that my break from adding posts for two months didn’t really hurt the number of daily visits that I had. Most people read my blog for two reasons, Raccoon Facts and the Origin of Bah Humbug. The few people who contributed to the daily visits for my newest content were mostly friends of mine from Facebook.

And now, I’m back–albeit somewhat differently than I was before. Here’s what you can expect from this blog: fewer posts with better focus.

Rather than just a space online where I can spill my thoughts, I want my blog to work for my writing career by being something of a resume for potential publishers to use when considering my stuff. In order for that to happen though, my posts need to be a bit more consistent with the areas in which I seek publication. That means that this will primarily be a place for flash fiction and thoughts related to fantasy and science fiction.

At the moment, I’m not going to delete the backlog of random posts, but I’m not going to rule that out as I move forward. I’ll see you each Tuesday and Friday for the foreseeable future.

Thanks for reading.